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Problems teaching teenager
Problems teaching teenager
Hi guys!!!
Lately I have faced a problem I useally don �t. Appart from teaching at class, I usually help my cousin with her homework (not only English but other subjects as well). She is 13 years old and three years ago doctors told us she had hiperactivity and attention-deficit. These years we have managed to keep her concentrated on her study but now we can �t find a way to make her feel interested. All in all, her lack of attention and, of course, being a teenager in development, makes me feel worried about her studies. I �m telling you this because I need some new ideas to approach this situation, maybe something new would help me get her attention. I don �t know what else to do, I have tried everything at hand and I �m desperate.
What can I do to help her??? She is taking her exams, we study for almost 4 or 5 hours a day, we do the reinforment tasks but still nothing works, she is failing ALL her exams!!!!
She makes me crazy!!! Thanks in advance!!
29 Oct 2009
It``s a relief to know that teenagers behave the same whereever they are. First I think you don`t have to lose hope and obviously try to encourage her in a way that she could feel motivated.It`s no easy but it works.
Most of my students are teenagers and not all of them have learning problems, but it`s very common they lose interest for the things we try to teach them , it doesn`t matter the subject-Maybe the world they are living goes too fast and the education programmes are not suitable enough for them .
I don`t know what happens there in your country , but here in Uruguay the students who has this kind of problem at learning ,previously certified by a doctor, they receive a different treatment at the time of the exams, sometimes giving them more time or doing proper exercises for them to understand. Try to think,if you fail all your exams, how it will possible to feel motivated? haven`t her parents thought that maybe she wasn`t born to study and maybe she would like to do something more creative ?Ovbiously study is really important, but it doesn`mean that everybody has to do the same.
My advice is to chill out,and ask her what are her main interests in life and try to focus everything you want to teach her thinking in her favourite things.Use songs, magazine where her interests appear and so on . I use this with my students and it really works. well, I hope it does help you, my regards, susana. |
29 Oct 2009
Try to teach her using games, or flash cards! And the most important thing: Don �t study 4 or 5 hours!! that �s too much for her and for you, too!! Try to do a suitable schedule for both of you!!! Remember that our brain gets tired, especially understressed! Good luck!!! I know teenagers are hard, but try to be a friend rather than a teacher or cousin!!! |
29 Oct 2009
I agree with Susan. Take your time with her. I read a story recently that reminded me of my hyperactive students. The story was based on a famous ballerina. Her mother constantly tried to give her sit down material to work with and she just kept moving around. She took her to a doctor and then the girl was given a diagnose that nothing is wrong she just needed to try dance and then she might maintain a relaxed level in her studies.
I am not saying she should do dance. I am saying that their are certain activities that work best and help learning. So don �t try medicine. I believe she just needs activities that will have her moving more.
What are you teaching her??? If it is English as a Second Language then I believe do more games and fresh activities that will have her body working with her mind.
I have a sister with this similar issue and you will find that once you have chosen the perfect activity and take it very slowly she will understand what is needed. My sister always said, " I could remember this if it was not so boring. Why do tests have to be on a time limit? I remember everything but I only have 20-30 minutes. I can �t think that fast to make a good decision!."
I hope I have helped. I think I might have gone a different route with your question
29 Oct 2009
Thank you all!!!!
I think I �m going to relax a bit, the schedule is quite interesting, i �ll try it.
I order to answer some questions, she is 13 and in Spain it is compulsory for teens to attend classes until they are 16, so I think I will have enough time to put into practice different techniques :) There are 3 years left!!
At school, they know about her problem but there are no measures taken for this kind of students, they are just one student among the others.
Another thing, adw2c, I felt really identified with your quotation. She knows the answers and how to do the different activities on different subjects but she just has not the time to stop thinking and decide which would be the best answer, sometimes when I see her that way I can �t stand it. It is extremelly hard to see her working a lot, and making an effort, and finally get almost nothing.
I �m going to make some kind of different activities for her as you suggested, and thanks, sometimes I can �t talk to her mother, she is very protective and in some ways it is no good, so I deeply appreciate your comments, from a teaching as well as from a personal point of view.
Thank you!
29 Oct 2009
Well, I always have the sensation that I better deal with my adult students, once they are often much more interested than teenagers, but I must confess that teaching teenagers have contributed a lot to the development of new teaching materials, such as games.
At the school I teach English there are e-boards (boards connected to the Internet) and the headteacher of my school develops very interesing activities to be used together with the books. However, I �m a bit afraid of teenagers writing less and less from time to time.
I �m a little bit afraid of being considered a traditional teacher. Anyway, I �m very concerned about my role as an English teacher to make students improve their abilities.
I often find it difficult to negociate time with teenager students. They would like to watch films instead of doing some activities, play videogames instead of having song exercises.
I �ve been dealing with a hiperactive student in one of my groups.
29 Oct 2009
I think the best thing is to find out what she likes and work from there. If she likes creating things, than you can teach her math or whatever subject with clay or making her create things related to the topic. If she likes to draw, than ask hjer to make pictures of what she �s learning. I think hyperactive kids are gifted and simply have so much on their mind that they can �t stay still. I wouldn �t see this as something negative, but rather a gift that has to be put in a path.
Hope these tips help.
29 Oct 2009