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> are they stolen worksheets or not?
are they stolen worksheets or not?
are they stolen worksheets or not?
Hello, everybody!!!! I wonder if a unit taken from a book and then transformed into a worksheet, is it a stolen contributions or not? thanks for your answers in advance. |
29 Oct 2009
A whole unit? No, you can �t upload it here or anywhere else, I believe. You can take a text from a book, for example, but then you have to make your own exercises. In addition, you must write the source of the text below it. But again, no, you can �t copy a whole unit from a book.
Hugs, mena
29 Oct 2009
Hello, Mena. the worksheet I am talking about has been taken from Streamline English Destinations, it is the unit 10, a reading passage telling about something funny that happened to somebody. it has been transformed into a nice worksheet, I was wondering if this is allowed since I have plenty of ideas if I can do the same. Thanks. |
29 Oct 2009
If it �s not only copy & paste, you added your own work, you provide the source - it �s acceptable.
Have a nice day.
29 Oct 2009
I have taken some tapescript texts from a book, and made some exercises as a revision aid and uploaded it here, but I named the source and the publisher of the book. All the exercises are my work, but the original text was from a book. You can consider it a worksheet noly if you add some of your activities, exercises, illustrations, esl tasks etc. Don �t forget to name the source. |
29 Oct 2009