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Burlington Books
Burlington Books
Hi everybody.
I�m going to ask you for help about something I know it�s not very well considered, but, if you could help me I would be very grateful.
I teach several groups of students privately. That means I do not have the books they are using at school/high school ..... And as you can guess, I can�t affort buying them all. That�s why I�m asking you if you know about any sites where I could download them. I am especially interested in Burlington books for 4 eso and 1 bach.
Sorry for asking this, but if you know about any sites it would be great for me.
Thanks a lot. |
3 Nov 2009
If you don �t get an answer, send me a PM later and I �ll give you the source.
And don �t be sorry.
Best regards,
3 Nov 2009