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uploading errors!
uploading errors!
Hi everyone!
I�m a new member. I�m trying to uploading my printables but I can�t, I�ve tried several times........ I dont know what to do , cause I want to use some very useful printables, and I need points and I dont know how to get them, otherwise I�m not going to be able to download any :( please help me!! what should I do? |
7 Nov 2008
Spanglish girl
Unfortunately, we are all having problems uploading. I�ve been all the day trying to upload some power points. After several tries, I could upload them. Be patient and continue trying, that�s all I can tell you.
7 Nov 2008
i have the same problem with you. i can�t upload my printables. but there is no problem in uploading of PP. HELP PLEASE!!!! i need points too... i have very fun materials to share. i want to add my worksheetssss...they are very useful. idont have pps to add i have printables to add.... |
7 Nov 2008
There does indeed seem to be a bit of an international glitch in the upoloading of worksheets. I too am having difficulty. I have also noticed one other problem that had never occured before and that is the file reference for my document is .doc, but sometimes it shows as .DOC (uppercase, not lowercase) This causes the error notice .doc.doc.doc.doc to appear. When I manually change the reference to lowercase it is accepted.
So my question is, is the reference case sensitive? |
7 Nov 2008
I�m also new here. While uploading there is a message:
Persits.Jpeg.1 error �800a0002�
The system cannot find the file specified.
/send_printables/sendprintableswait.asp, line 114 And I can�t upload anything :( I�ve tried several times, but the effect was the same. Please help!
7 Nov 2008
I�m also having problems when trying to upload a document. But I have understood the reason. Remember that the site was hacked a few days ago, the hacker said he had done some changes on the account information and completely mess up the site, (taken exactly from the post he made a few days ago) so that is why sometimes we can upload our documents after trying very hard, so I think we should be patient and wait until Victpr can solve the problem and get the total control of the site again. At least I think we can help that way. I don�t know much about programming but if there is someone who knows about this and belongs to the ESLprintables family can contact Victor and help him. Families support their relatives.
Best wishes and have a nice weekend.
9 Nov 2008