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Concerning worksheets > Instructions on how to use our worrksheets
Instructions on how to use our worrksheets
Enid Stella
Instructions on how to use our worrksheets
Hello there teachers
I wonder if someone has encountered my problem - I was searching through all the wonderful worksheets / activities I have downloaded (for which MANY THANKS) and I opened up one I thought would be perfect. Unfortunately there was no answer key and no instruction on how to use the material. Sometimes the use is self evident but sometimes one needs a little help on how to use the material effectively. Many instructions are given in the "Description" but this is not preserved with the download. In future I �m going to copy the description of my worksheet and include it with the answer key so that teachers don �t have to try to figure out how to use the material - particularly true of �game � type activities. What do you think? Would this help you too?
Many thanks to those teachers who have adopted my suggestion of including their names on their worksheets.
Have a wonderful day / night wherever you are!!
Thanks again for you wonderful work
Enid |
4 Nov 2009
That would of course help and make life easier!
On the other hand, some teachers might adapt the stuff and give their own instructions.
As you said, I too believe that instructions are very vital !
Tc Fsams
4 Nov 2009
I �d prefer not to have names on the wss (too much editting)
but better explanations/descriptions/instructions would help. |
4 Nov 2009