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Concerning worksheets > A question for IMac users and a general question.
A question for IMac users and a general question.
Marla D.
A question for IMac users and a general question.
Hi, I have an IMac. Can someone who also has an IMac please tell me how to print these beautiful handouts in black and white? Also, why does the bottom on some handouts get cut off when printed? Thanks, Marla |
5 Nov 2009
Olindalima ( F )
Hi Maria I am a Mac user, too. I have a iBookG4, I haven �t had any problems about printing, so far; macs are to trust. So, may be, just an opinion, your printer, are you sure the printer options are ok? Sorry, I can �t give any tips, I have never got any problems, may be if you give further details... (???? ) Hope you can solve it Hugs linda
6 Nov 2009
Marla D.
Thanks Linda. Your iBook is probably different from and IMac. But I appreciate your responding. Marla |
6 Nov 2009
It depends on the origin of the handouts. Some countries use a different paper size and so the computers are set to different sizes and frames to fit the paper in that country. You might need to resize the worksheets before you print or check your printer.
Usually there is a setting for black and white under the print preview or printing options section. I do not own an IMac, so I cannot help you as much there. |
6 Nov 2009
Marla D.
Thanks for the information Suterja. My IMac doesn �t offer those options under print preview or printing options for some reason. |
6 Nov 2009
In my printer which is a HP, the option to change to B&W is in "copies & pages". It took me a while to discover it was in there . . . But I guess it depends on the printer, not on the Pc or Mac. |
9 Nov 2009