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Games, activities and teaching ideas > Who Am I?
Who Am I?

Who Am I?
Level: Any LevelYou can use use this with any subject. Write the names of famous people (mixed nationalities) on small pieces of paper. Tape a name on the forehead of each student. The individual student should not see his or her paper, but the others should. Then, like with 20 questions, only yes or no questions should be asked. Perhaps start with yourself and ask "Am I am man?" If the answer is yes, I can ask again, but if the answer is no, it �s the next person �s turn. Play until everyone has guessed who he or she is! This can be played with nationalities, countries, household objects, anything and it �s a gas, especially for adult students!!
6 Nov 2009

Thanks for the nice idea!
6 Nov 2009