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Games, activities and teaching ideas > Fantastic online Tool for Teachers - free
Fantastic online Tool for Teachers - free

Fantastic online Tool for Teachers - free
Guys, just today our Norbert showed us how to download and design the Jeopardy game, apparently it �s very easy - you download the file and keep it on your computer, and then say you want to revise Degrees of Comarison or Family Vocab, you can type all these things in and have your game!!!
You would need a big screen TV though and a computer in the classroom, internet not required. OR - you could have a computer and a projector, this way it will also work.
I �m not too familiar with this just now, but I hope to get there over the weekend.
(You can also do the Who Wants To Be a Millionaire this way, as far as I know). |
6 Nov 2009

Morrisons Eyes
Great !! Seems really a good tool to have fun in the class AND practice English... ^^
Thanks so much for sharing!! |
6 Nov 2009

Dina Isabel
Thanks a lot 4 sharing this link!
it �s awesome to have fun in class and learn at the same time...and kids are so tired of worksheets sometimes!
Thanks again!  |
12 Nov 2009