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Please read...
Hi everyone. I saw a lot of stolen contributions downloaded by many members... Please read the comments BEFORE downloading, to avoid giving points to thieves. Have a nice Sunday evening.
8 Nov 2009
You are right Silvia, we should read the comments before downloading, at least when we find a worksheet suspiciously familiar. I usually do it, but sometimes, if I �m in a hurry, I realise I �ve downloaded a stolen worksheet when it �s too late. I really regret it when it happens, that �s why I hope the problem can be solved as soon as possible.
I think Victor is working on it.
Have a nice week! |
8 Nov 2009
This is really a RED ALERT DAY!!
No less than 80 members have downloaded Vanda �s materials uploaded by someone called teacherhadassa
8 Nov 2009
Dear colleagues,
Like I said in the past, not everyone �s reading this forum. So, WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO???
There should be a better way of dealing with stolen ws. I think the easiest is to pre-approve them BEFORE they go out.
Regards, V.
8 Nov 2009