I was completely amazed when I came across this site. I really congratulate the team who had this fantastic idea.
I like the way the site is now. I believe that when people post "low quality" worksheets it �s because they can �t do better. I speak for myself. I only upload tests or grammar exercises. I can �t draw, I �m not very good with computers but I want my classes to succeed and not to be monotonous. And if you, people who put your worksheets here, are willing to help people like me, I can only thank you for that.
This is not a vanity fair, I believe. Those who see their worksheets recognized (just count the downloads) should feel proud of that.
To steal or not to steal? That is the question.
Be Honest, people. Upload only your own contributions, even if they are low quality. Be humble to recognize that you are learning from others and do not neet to steal from others.
All contributions should be welcome.