1) Bring an ENGLISHMAN to them. or American!
Let them listen to him, talk to each other..put easy questions!
Let them do mistakes! while talking!
encourage them

:) while they are talking and don �t correct their mistakes

They will relax..and
language barrier will disapear! :-)
3)USE questionary to Find out other topics that should be REALLYinteresting to children of that age. - Find out what are their DREAMS/find out what they like exactly
how to do that?

let them
write a composition about that (even in your native language)- that information will help you to know the topict you could make them talk on.
Films they Like - book (???) - SINGERS- and SONGS they like.
let it be the topic of the class
For example Nowadays "Twilight � � - is POPULAR FILM/BOOK ALL OVER THE WORLD among all ages and of course among teenagers.
Here at that website: you could find lot �s Twilight worsheets (for example songs from that movie)
.....if it´s all about HOW TO MEMMORISE..the words..
WEll.. MAKE THEM WRITE PICTURES for SENTENCES..or even PARAGRAPHS at the lesson...SHOW THEM THEIR PICTURES...(for example 2 students draw 1 picture for 1 sentence or paragraph /or phrase)
Repat the information in teams like a game...AND USE THESE PICTURES NEXT LESSON AND THE NEXT etc
Encourage COMPETITION AND TEAM SPEREAT...play Team games..let them GET POINTS FOR RIGHT ANSWER...The game should be Quick...they should be excited )..give them (some of them) The SWEETS ))as a Reward! )))) people like sweet at all ages