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Greetings - young learners

Greetings - young learners
This week I will start teaching a new student (one on one). She is a seven year old girl without any previous English experience. Now I would like to start to introduce her to greetings and small introductions like My name is .. etc. But find it a bit difficult seeing it is just one child (my experience is more with groups). Does anybody have any ideas on how I could do? Maybe with songs, worksheets, games? It would really help me a lot. Thank you so much in advance.
Sara |
22 Nov 2009

I think I would try to find books, tales, poems and songs she know in her native language, and read and sing the same stuff in English. Songs are great for teaching languages.
Ann. |
22 Nov 2009

Hi Saraa Mariam,
I never spend much time teaching greetings like Hello!/Goodbye!, What �s your name? or How are you?, teaching this in class seems unnatural. BUt anyway students learn it beacuse I greet them every day: �Good morning everybody! How are you? �
Bye |
22 Nov 2009

Thanks a lot for your help :) It was really helpful :) Have a nice sunday |
22 Nov 2009

When I teach students one on one I usually kind of act as the teacher and the classmate all in one. It �s fine to just be your usual teacher self for story-reading actvities, worksheets etc. but when we are plyaing games I usually become both the teacher (offering a model, guidance, correction etc. )and their classmate (as their partner, or the opposing team as required) simultaneously in any games and activities we do.
I find games that work quite well one on one to be:
karuta run - it makes it more interesting than regular karuta if they have to run to get it when there is only one of them in the class
board games
gesture games
hint games where you take it in turns to descibe a card and the other person has to guess which one
musical bumps - put the cards in a circle and play some music. When the music stops, say the English for the card you are nearest to.
Hope this helps and that you can use some of these ideas.
Good luck.
Julia |
22 Nov 2009