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lesson plan

lesson plan
hi every body
iam glad to find new friends in this site
i want to know how can i write a lesson plan?
and is it really nessassery??
tnx alot |
23 Nov 2009

Robert Medisa
Dear pal �
first of all really be precise towards your spelling . it could be mind twister.
then your grammar use of" how can I......." you should know in compound sentence like this , second part provided it �s question will change to statement.
finally it depens directly to your own procedure.
wish happiness  |
23 Nov 2009

@Erm Robert.... YOU are giving advice on grammar???? If you read what you have written it is riddled with so MANY errors!!!!!
Re Lesson plans:
Lessons plans are a good way to keep track of what you are teaching to different groups and levels so that you have a clear learning focus and goal.
Without some type of record it is too easy to become complacent and lose focus of where you want your students to end up.
When I first started teaching my lesson plans were very detailed. (And that was also a requirement in all of the schools that I have worked in - NZ and the UK)
Now after many years I usually use a simple template with: class/group, lesson focus/objective, topic or theme if there is one, resources used (usually listed in the order I will be using them, i.e. page number or number of activity if it is from a book or the name of the worksheet etc), evaluation/notes
This is because I no longer work in government schools but in adult education institutions where the paperwork is significantly less. However my lesson plans (even if they are very brief) are a record for me to remember exactly what I have done with whom.
The main question for you is: Is it required where you teach or are you doing it for yourself?
23 Nov 2009