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Ringing the bell in British Pubs
Ringing the bell in British Pubs
Hi Everybody!!! I �m preparing a PPS dealing with LONDON for my students and one of the points is "Pubs" I wonder if British people still have the bell tradition. If it does could you tell me exactly what time it bells and if not, When did it stop existing?? I �m searching for information in this SITE. I like it a a lot, and perhaps it is also useful for you!! I hope you can help me with my doubt! Bye bye!!
29 Nov 2009
As an expat living in Belgium I can happily advise that indeed they do still call �Time please � in pubs. It �s usually 10 minutes before 11pm, so around 10:50pm. There are different laws on drinking on a Sunday and "last orders" are at 10:30pm. Some pubs have longer licensing laws but on the whole the majority stick to last orders at 11pm six days a week and 10:30pm on a Sunday. If you live out in the country and have a �local � pub it is not beyond the realms of possibility to have a �lock-in � - this basically means the landlord keeps the pub open for his customers but locks the front door, so as to appear closed. I have spent many a night in the Wagon & Horses till the early hours happily enjoying a drink with friends!
I found some nice detail for you at
They have a lot of very useful information covering what people can order, pub expressions, bar etiquette and pub names. Oodles of materials for a lesson plan/worksheet.
Bottoms up! Cheers! Hope this helps! |
29 Nov 2009
OH!!! thank you very much salaskas1!! it �s been a really great help!! Bye bye Thank you again!
29 Nov 2009