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The book "The Queen and I"
The book "The Queen and I"
Hi everybody, I just wanted to recommend you a funny book for students who are 16-17 years old. I am not sure but I think it can only be found in the simplified version in Spain. I have been reading this evening and it �s really hilarious. Its title is "The Queen and I" by Sue Townsend and published by Burlington.In this fantasy, the Republican Party wins the elections in Britain and the monarchy is finished and the Royal Family is sent to live in an area of cheap housing. The Queen must learn to cook and clean and live on very little money, and her family is in total chaos.
Hope you like it
Yolanda |
30 Nov 2009
It seems interesting I read a smiliar book a few monts ago Of course It was translation and what was its name? If The queen reads books.........yes at least its Turkish translation was so.But the book you talk about seems different Hugs |
30 Nov 2009
sounds very much like "Queen Camilla", by the same author. I read it about two summers ago and couldn �t stop laughing!. I �m glad to hear there �s an abridged version, I �ll see if I can buy it. thanks, it really is a great book.
1 Dec 2009