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Grammar and Linguistics > Grammatical Rules: A point of Clarification
Grammatical Rules: A point of Clarification
phil niro
Grammatical Rules: A point of Clarification
I would like to solicit the reactions of all English Teachers concerning the grammatical structure/rules to be observed in view of the following.
Which is more appropriate : " Do you like pandas?" or "Do you like panda?"
The way the school-subjects be written: Science, Mathematics, Social Studies,etc.......which is correct write its first letter in a capital or small letter?
Hope to hearing from you soon.
Thank you
2 Dec 2009
"Do you like pandas?" is correct because you are asking about pandas in general, not a specific one, for example at the zoo (Do you like THE panda at the zoo?). School sujects should be written with capital letters. Have a nice day.
2 Dec 2009
Do you like pandas? is correct.
Do you like panda? The only situations I can see this being correct would be if people eat panda meat, if Panda is someone �s nickname, or if Panda is a style.
Do you like the animal? Do you like chickens? Do you like rabbits?
Do you like to eat? Do you like chicken? Do you like rabbit?
I also think school subjects should be written with capitals.
I �m from the UK. |
2 Dec 2009
School subjects are capitalized if you refer to a specific class, if the subject is an acronym (ESL) or if it �s a language class (English, Spanish).
I had to take History 101 last semester.
But: I always liked studying history when I was in school.
Yes, I like pandas. No, I don �t like panda (meet or whatever else it is).
Cheers! V.
2 Dec 2009
phil niro
Thank you for such response.
Would you mind to tell me the exact grammatical rule in view of which?
6 Dec 2009