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Grammar and Linguistics > Native speakers, please help me
Native speakers, please help me
Native speakers, please help me
I am writing a book about some Englsih mistakes in public signs. But I �m not very sure of some of the them. And I really need some native speakers to help me find a way out. Could you please tell me some websites about it? Are there any native speakers who are interestd in it? Please send your message to my mailbox. I want to contact you later and ask help from you. By the way, if you want to learn Chinese, I am a good teacher. My mail address is : [email protected]. |
5 Dec 2009
I �m not a native speaker, but here in Ireland I see signs with errors (intentional or not?), such as McDonald �s place have a poster in their window where they write "til" without the apostrophe (which I think is erroneous), and here is an article about it too:
And there many more examples of how English is being changed. You really don �t need to be a native speaker to notice that.
If I find some more I �ll send them as scanned attachments to your email, just PM me with your email address before your thread disappears.
5 Dec 2009
Here are a few links to start you off.
5 Dec 2009