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Games, activities and teaching ideas > IDEAS
Morning teachers!
After having my first oficial start as a teacher in a primary school, I would like to share with you a couple of ideas my neurone made up for me :)
With older students, I hung a laminated sheet on the wall and posted there a riddle. I also hung an "answers" envelope. They had to work out what was the question and think about the answer. Then, in a small piece of paper they wrote down the answer, their name, the date and the time (I registered it as well in a paper - so that we avoided cheaters-.) At the end of the week I checked all the answers and the student who had come with the right answer and before the rest, was given a badge. A new riddle was posted to start again.
I did it every week and they loved it. They chased me all over the school asking me to be registered first or to give them some clues.
I did it with a particular large group I found a bit hard to keep under control sometimes.
I made blank 3x3 bingo cards and gave one to each student. I told them that only the kids being quiet, raising their hands to talk, doing their homework, etc would get a stamp on their bingo everyday. The ones completing the bingo, would be given an award (a badge). There was a sudden general change of actitude ;)
Hope you like it! Have a nice day
12 Dec 2009
Great ideas! I think I �ll try the first one, since most of my students are adults and I �m sure they �ll love it.
I thinl it can also work with them, not only with children. Thank you very much! |
12 Dec 2009
Sounds like a really good idea. Could you give us an example of the kind of riddle you used to make it clearer for me, please? |
12 Dec 2009
manonski (f)
For the month of December, I �m doing speak English tickets. I made a candy wreath that I hung in my classroom and told the students that one of them would win.
At the beginning of each class, they get 3 tickets on which they write their name and group. When I hear them speak French, they lose a ticket. If they make an extra effort to speak English, they get bonus tickets. At the end of the class, whoever has tickets gets to put them in a bag for the draw. They must really want to win the wreath because I don �t hear a lot of French these days.
It got me to wonder what I could give them in January/February to keep this thing going.
I love your riddle activity. Where did you take them? Are they illustrations or sentences? |
12 Dec 2009
Hi! Manon: I have done the same with my group of 10 year-old children. each time they spoke in English or made an effort to do it I gave them a star( I printed them from mes-english). When they had 5 starts I gave them one of Alenka �s minibooks... they really enjoyed reading these minibooks!!! and they didn �t know they were doing extensive reading!! |
12 Dec 2009