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Ask for help > Online exercise missing somewhere in the net??
Online exercise missing somewhere in the net??
Online exercise missing somewhere in the net??
HI you all!! Let �s see ... an X file has happened to me today. I was making an OE. I have saved it. and after having lunch...I was prepared to going on with it and.....there was no OE at all!!! I �ve searched for it in the saving files and there was the title but no trace of the OE!!!! Has something similar happened to you??? Did you have to start from the very beginning??? me....I �m about to phone the ghostbusters!!! LOL!! I will appreciate your help! Take care and thank you!
15 Dec 2009
V�ctor, Can you help me with this??? Have you got a Backup or something which allows me to restore my OE?? Gosh!! I had the middle of it already done!! HELP PLEASE! Thank you!
15 Dec 2009