(As a 22 year-old teacher trainee , I would be the last person to give advice to you ...
I am just writing it to share my experience with you and others.)
In my first day as a teacher trainee , I experienced a more horrible situation that I even do not tell it everyone as I feel emberrased about it. I accept the fact that I am an inexperienced teacher actually not a teacher yet, just a teacher candidate...
After the first day , I learned that all the teachers of the school have trouble with that class 6-a. :=) A class that I cannot forget till the end of my life... I took the advice of experienced teacher and read my lesson books about methodology once again and also thought about it more carefully. I ,then, decided to put some solutions into practice.
My solutions were :
-Nominating the most spolied student as an assistant of me giving some responsibilities and I keep him saying "you are my assistant you should be a good model for others." It was my opinion ... It works the other spoiled children started to try to be good models and ask for duities ,however sometimes fails
- gettin the problematic ones to sit apart
- talking to the spoiled ones and telling them privately that I believe in them they can make wonders in english if they want
- I admit that I scolded a few one in front of the class also threatened to not to accept them to the lesson till the and of the year.
- I asked another trainee of the school to come to complain to me about the noise of my class in front of my class :=) and I preteded to be very upset and ashamed. :=) It was my opnion it worked.
These days I have been taking pleasure from teaching and having a good relationship with the class. I love them but new problems always occur and I like problems as I think they improve me.
I looked over your papers in this website and I really envied you. I can say that you are a wonderful teacher ... You are very productive and skilled. As a trainee I visit a few school and face many old teacher who are fed up with teaching and dont know anything about technology... :=( Looking from this perspective I should admit that you deserve the money you earn !...
finally , I just wonder about your age because I believe that once the students see that you are young , some of them dont take you seriously. My students talk to me as if I was their friends most of the time, I like it most of the time and dont warn them :=).
I wish you a happy new year .