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I want to send a worksheet and I can �t...when I try uploading it I get this message:
error �800706be �
/send_printables/sendprintablesnew.asp, line 123 What can I do or where is the problem????
29 Dec 2009
I have the same problem. Please helppppp!!!! |
29 Dec 2009
don �t worry: it happened to me last night, and then today I could upload just fine... there must be a bug, try again in a couple of hours or tomorrow! |
29 Dec 2009
This is a very common problem, as far as I remember it happens because of the server overload. Try again in a while and I am sure you will succeed!
29 Dec 2009
or else it can be the document is too large. check the kb. that happened to me when i tried to upload powerpoints :S |
29 Dec 2009
I kept trying but all I could get was another puzzling message:
Active Server Pages error �ASP 0113 �
Script timed out
The maximum amount of time for a script to
execute was exceeded. You can change this limit by specifying a new
value for the property Server.ScriptTimeout or by changing the value in
the IIS administration tools.
29 Dec 2009
Bruna Dutra
Hi guys... this can happen, and we have to be patient, the last time, I tried to upload a ws for about a half hour, and was starting to get a little angry! ehhehehe But it wouldn �t help, then I tried to upload a different one, and it worked fine! I was insisting on that one, and the other was ok, then afterwards I tried to upload the �problematic � one and it also worked.
The system does overload, so, patience is really important.
And other things we always need to check are:
* is it smaller than 299kb? * is it a .doc file? .docx doesnt work!!
then we �re good to go!
I hope I have helped!
hugs, Bruna
29 Dec 2009
Lana, please, don �t panic. These problems are here for some time already, it has nothing to do with hacking attempts. It �s due to system overloading and sometimes we just have to try several times before we succeed. I understand why Victor didn �t want to tell us about the problem.
29 Dec 2009
Hei, girls, Thanks for your answers...but... yes, Baiba and Bruna, I �ve checked the size of the I had to resize it cause it was too heavy, but now, when I �m trying to upload it it �s 197Kb...and yes, it �s a .doc file!!! I don �t know what to do anymore! I even tried to see what happens when I send the original file, that which was too heavy...and the response was exactly that I expected to be: it �s too heavy! but for the other �ve seen what was the message!!!
29 Dec 2009
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