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Message board > To the moderators of the website who deleted my worksheet !!
To the moderators of the website who deleted my worksheet !!
I think we should follow the rules... If the ws fulfills the rules, it should stay... I find many wss "too plain and easy" to download them... I think I can guess how much time it took to make some wss and when I don �t see any effort/time/creativity put into the ws, I do not download it... We can see tens of "quick" wss every day.. We accept copied picture + activity such as: colour according to instructions by your teacher... BUT can we judge the ws by its quality? Or how fast it was prepared? NO! Victor �s rule is: we can copy the text if we state the source + we must add an activity (-ies) This rule was fulfilled, I think... The activity was very short (find 15 words), but there was an activity... I would think there MIGHT be more activities to go with the copied text... But I cannot force the uploader to be more hard-working, can I? ... and I think we cannot force the uploader to give more precise instructions either... I disagree with the contents, quality or purpose of many wss, so I never report and rarely vote... What can be useless for one teacher, might be useful for other teachers...
3 Jan 2010
I �ll repeat!!...
just find rude that as you can �t defend things you start accusing and
attacking! Why don �t you tell us very well what can be done by putting
random words in order of appearance!?... I wonder..... who are the nasty ones here.. Instead of providing an asnwer you start arguing and accusing and fighting!..
CAn you tell us... HOW can the worksheet that was uploaded last night (which is not the same as this one now) could be used and exploited in class?
I wonder..
3 Jan 2010
Samantha... some suggestions on how to use this sheet were done in the comments, did u read them?
* I think it is an ESL-related task... The exercise makes students read the text a lot of times in order to make sure that they put the words in the correct order, I think it�s some kind of fun competition - the first student to finish this task is the winner! ;o) I have even seen this kind of exercise in some books by Peter Watcyn-Jones, so I really can�t see what�s wrong with this worksheet...
* It�s a text, with its source acknowledged + a reading activity (scanning) = an ESL resource.
* It does have an exercise that focuses on sentence structure and semantics.
And I remember when I was a student I did lots of these "scanning" activities |
3 Jan 2010
I can see how this could be a new way to think about key vocabulary within a text. Also reading the text again closely looking for the key vocabulary and then writing it all helps you to remember it.
I will add aggressive, rude and nasty to my original abrupt comment. I don �t have to wonder who, I know from your posts.
So many people in so many different threads have mentioned to you about the way that you address people here on the forum. Are we all wrong? Something to think about Samantha.
3 Jan 2010
Ohh Wonderful! Is all that described
included in the worksheet!?? It �s NOT even implied in the description
of the worksheet as it says: Reading comprehension. I don �t need
to answer you back Chezzels because I �m not any of the things you
say.. and the �so many people � that you mention... They are just a
gruop of people who don �t like me.
I didn �t report this
worksheet just because, I considered it not an ESL resource.. NOw it �s
been uploaded again... And not even Happy Austrian can expalin clearly
what can be done with this. She probably is still searching on internet
to see what to asnwer. It �s the users tasks to provide clear
instructions and activities.. We are not suppose to download things and
start thinking how could I use it. But this doesn �t mean I �m rude or
agressive! Because I wonder, as you defend the worksheet that much, how
could possibly this help students.?.. Well, then something to think for
Anywya, I�m off.... so I won�t be able to check your marvelous answers!... Cheerio!
3 Jan 2010
I have already told you why I think it could be helpful.
Why do you think a group of people do not like you. Could it possibly be your rudeness and aggression towards many members here?
The poster has already explained that they were taught this method by their professor but you seem unable to comprehend this point. So I ask you again, are you a professor, do you know everything that there is to know about learning? I have been a teacher for many many years and I consider it to be a lifelong learning process. The day I stop learning and close myself to new ideas is the day I die. If someone shows me something new I like to find out more about how to use it or how to do it successfully.
I think you have quite an inflated opinion of your own knowledge and seem to be very resistant to learning new things. What you COULD have done if you were considerate and polite was to PM the original poster with questions. You COULD have PM �d the OP to let them know what some comments were, BUT you chose to post them here. Quite confrontational don �t you think.
You still have not removed the moderators comments even though some who were on there have said they are not happy with it being there. Again a lack of consideration for others. EDIT: While I was writing this it looks like Victor has removed the moderators comments from your earlier post. Thank you Victor.
3 Jan 2010
The rules about the worksheets are there to be read and some people don �t mind explaining them to the new members.
I think it was a sad discussion here in the forum and a sad discussion between the moderators.
All this could be avoided... (I would never answer back some of the statements I have read here)
Best wishes to you all and happy new year.
3 Jan 2010
Well, I voted for the removal as I didn �t think it was an ESL resource. But there is many moderators and we don �t have to agree with each other all the time. Fine, if someone don �t agree with me, that his point of view, I wrote mine. But why, WHY to copy moderator �s comments here? I believe this is something AGAINST the rules (mind you, when I am writing this, Victor has already removed it) and such moderator should be banned. I am not polite all the time and some things drive me crazy sometimes, but this is too much.
@happy-Austrian: If you think I am narrow-minded, that �s your opinion. I always appreciated your effort while reporting wss and even yesterday I wrote so. There was nothing personal when I voted against your ws, I just did what I considered as right thing. Believe me (or not) I take moderating very seriously and always try my best while voting. And I also obey the rules. Because I didn �t think your ws was an ESL resource REALLY doesn �t mean I am narrow-minded and I feel offended by that.
Regards, Michaela
3 Jan 2010
I won �t engage on the discussion of the removed worsheet because I don �t know what this is all about.
I �m here just to say that comments made on the reported contributions page shouldn �t be made public because Victor stated that:
There are new changes in the moderators � page:
In colour yellow you can see the reasons why the contribution has been reported. If it has been reported for different reasons, you have to vote for the best reason.
The comments (in blue) are only for the other moderators, not for the reported user.
If the contribution is removed, the author will get a message with the reason (the one that gets more votes), but not the comments.
Besides, not all the people have access to the moderator �s page: you need 1000 points to belong to that group:
3 Jan 2010
I voted for REMOVAL! cause, quite frankly, it was pointless
as for calling us moderators narrow-minded.....I think that the only member that �s narrow-minded in our little happy Austrian...who �s isn �t that happy to begin with....
looking forward in seeing your open-minded, super-modern the near future....I �m sure you �ll knock my socks off
hugs and kisses
3 Jan 2010
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