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Thanks Button
Thanks Button
Hello my dear colleagues! For a while, I see few people thank for materials and honestly, I am not thanking for everyone, because I think it is difficult to write something, but instead of this, I would prefer a "thanks" button in order to download, so by the help of thanks button, everybody has to thank before downloading... Would not it be better? :)
5 Jan 2010
... you can just write " thanks" in the comments, it takes you only few seconds... |
5 Jan 2010
Wow wow wow!
A "thanks button"???? are you serious?
do you want a "thanks button" to express your gratitude to someone who saved you time, money, etc with his / her worksheet??
I am speechless! |
5 Jan 2010
Writing "thanks" only takes you a second!
5 Jan 2010
Well, some webs use this "thanks button" so the user �s download is registered. We �ve talked about this before, you know, you couldn �t download a ws without saying (=pressing) "thanks". Thanks for the idea, babyboy17 :=)
5 Jan 2010
It would be very cold, I think. But, if it is intended as a registerer, it may be OK.
5 Jan 2010
I agree with you guys about saying "thanks", it doesn �t take more than a few secs, the author feels great knowing his ws is appreciated (I do) and the downloader doesn �t have to think "do I have this ws?" But, a "thank you" button to press if you want to download a ws is also a good idea. Some webs have it and you can always leave a comment if you feel like doing so. My POV :=)
Now I �m off to bed. The 3 Wise Men are bringing us presents tonite here in Spain. We wake up early, open our presents, kids go out to the streets / beach and play with their new toys and, of course, we have hot chocolate with "churros" for breakfast and "roscon de reyes" for dessert :=)
6 Jan 2010
I believe that nobody should be obliged to say "thank you". It should really come from heart. This thank you button will make all the gratitude... well... mass-produced, impersonal and indifferent.
6 Jan 2010
If one considers the ratio between downloads and comments I think we might as well install a thanks button.
But that is not (or certainly wasn�t nor should it be) the ethos of this site. We are here to share, help, learn, grow, appreciate, argue, get pissed off (and sometimes on) just like a large family. It is in fact an insult to download someone�s hard work and not say thanks. I have done it but when I have not left a comment I was being polite. Some of the material I�ve downloaded has been so bad that my computer refused to save it. On the other hand, most of the material has been of an extremely high standard. And in some cases a God send. I have learn so much since being a member here and I�m not talking about how to fancily a worksheet, I�m talking about strategies, methods, material usage, teaching philosophies, apart from the personal the advantages. I have seen members work blossom from mediocrity to excellence and that has come from the help and support of our fellow members.
So guys if you download material and you think it stinks, by all means don�t leave a message, especially a nasty one but if you like it, can use it or you think it has potential, tell the creator and show your appreciation.
Enjoy. |
6 Jan 2010
I agree with Dennis! I would like to add, that coming from the USA, we were always taught to say thank you. We say thank you for just about everything.
I heard from an exchange student that people in English speaking countries are insulted if they drive you somewhere and you don �t say thank you. That �s just the way it is.
My mother used to always say: "What do you say?" If I forgot to say thank you.
Using someone �s materials and not having 2 seconds to write thanks is down-right rude.
I know that cultures are different, but if we don �t take the time to say thank you and to teach our students to do the same, then the world is going to be filled with kids who take every thing for granted and never say thank you for anything. What an egotistical world that would be - so start campaigning for good manners and teach your students to be polite to others. And start with yourselves!
6 Jan 2010
I think the points are the equivalent of a thanks button. Taking the time to write thanks is different. It shows appreciation and lets the teachers, who might be curious, know who is downloading their worksheets.
6 Jan 2010
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