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how to teach
how to teach
Hello my name is Cristina.
I want know how to teach for instance "classroom material".
How to teach it, how to start and how to finish for young students 6 or 7 years old. in a funny way and with a context to make it interesting.
thanks a lot. |
7 Jan 2010
tanya costa
Hello Cristina,
there are many ways you can introduce this topic...
You can use the real objects like pens, notebooks etc or you can teach them using flashcards and then do memory games, guessing games and others.
Hope i have helped you...!!! |
7 Jan 2010
You can also put all those objects in a box or a dark bag and have them pull sth out with their eyes closed, trying to guess the name by touching. And play lots of word games - write the wrong word next to the flashcard, spell the word in a wrong way, pronounce it wrongly... kids love correcting us. They also love coloring dictations and fixing up the mess - e. g. you place classroom objects in the wrong place and have them fix it (you put the pencil into a tennis shoe, the bag into a bathroom, you fill the pencil case with mom �s make-up, put the school bag into the bin, etc. |
7 Jan 2010
Hi! You can play "Simon says" (commands included: touch, point, bring me...) so they have to move, or "Chinese Whispers". My kids also love playing "drawing competition": make some teams (3-4 person each), give each team a blank sheet and crayons. Then, you say "Draw a blue pen"... You can write the words on the board and kids write/draw a pictionary. After having done that, you could play Bingo (kids can do the cards themselves). When you �re sure kids have learnt the vocabulary, they can make a big poster all together. You can also introduce simple propositions, draw a table and a pencil case on the board and make teams, you tell them: "Draw a blue pen on the table" and the 1st kids in the queue of each team do so.
Regards from M�laga,
7 Jan 2010
Thanks a lot for share your ideas.
thanks |
7 Jan 2010