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Ask for help > what to do with laggers?
what to do with laggers?
Good idea elojolie!I must say that I agree with previous statements too but I �d like to know if you use that with children with special needs?How do you work with them? Have you ever worked with deaf students or students with severe difficulties in communication?Do all children no matter the problems they have have to learn foreign language in your country?
9 Jan 2010
Hi Bare,
I �m quite lucky I don �t have many pupils with special needs (only one who is dyslexic) - I �ve only been a teacher since september 2008... In France there are special schools for children with special needs, but I don �t know much about it i �m afraid... Maybe some other French teacher could explain better than me...
We have "SEGPAs", which are sections for pupils who have a low IQ and learning difficulties and/or behaviour problems, the pupils have to learn English, but they do very simple things, games... it �s very difficult for them to write in French, so they are not asked to write in English a lot. Sometimes teachers who teach English in SEGPA only had a 2-week training before teaching English, so it �s fair to say that English is not considered as important for pupils in SEGPA...
sorry for not being able to tell you more...
Elodie |
9 Jan 2010
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