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Ask for help > I just can´t seem to send you anything
I just can´t seem to send you anything
I just can´t seem to send you anything
Hello. I tried to join your site awhile back but I was unsuccessful. Recently I came across it again and saw there had been some changes and I thought I�d try again. Since then I have been trying to upload every day with no luck. Sometimes it said come back in a few hours. Now it accepts my document but not the form for how teachers can use it. I get an error message after I send the form which tells the level, topic and how to use it. I�m really curious about the site but I am getting a little fed up to tell you the truth. Are there always problems? Or am I having a string of bad luck or doing something wrong? I even tried 2 different computers, but nothing seems to help.
Thanks for your response in advance
Ferda |
13 Nov 2008
su an bir problem olabilir. kayit oldusaniz worksheet upload edebilirsiniz. bir problem olursa bana burdan ulasaiblirsiniz. yardimci olmaya �alisirim [email protected] |
13 Nov 2008
There have been a few problems in the past days but Victor has been working on them. (Maybe send him a message about your problems / errors? He must be very busy at the moment though, so be patient with our hero! ) Keep trying! You will find it more than worth it! It was just bad luck.
13 Nov 2008