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Teaching material > Help Please!!
Help Please!!
Help Please!!
Hello Folks,
How are you doing?!
I have a student which I need to be teaching instrumental English in the educational field, But I can �t find any material on the internet or elsewhere I can use. Do you folks know any website where I can download academic articles about education for free??
Thank you all,
Geovane!! ;) |
11 Jan 2010
Geovane, entra no site da casa de cultura da Universidade Federal do cear� (UFC). L� tem algumas provas em PDF que foram utilizadas em provas de profici�ncia em �reas expec�ficas. Voc� pode trabalhar esse material com seu aluno.. Boa sorte!
Coloca no google (casa de cultura inglesa UFC).. |
11 Jan 2010
Send me a PM with the subjects you �re going to teach, I can send you some links where you �re find plenty of material.
@Marajeck, please use only English on the forum...
Have a nice day!
11 Jan 2010
Hello, Portiglioti:
Unfortunately, it seems that there are no materials online on this topic on the web. I have already searched for it, too, but haven �t found anything. I have also thought about writing one, but I haven �t had the time yet. :S
Well, I had a student last September who was preparing for a proficiency exam, and she had bought a book on instrumental English at the university of Curitiba.
I have just sent her an email, asking her about the name of the university =P and/or the title and authors of the book.
I �ll get back to you as soon as she answers to my email.
11 Jan 2010
Hi Portiglioti!
Try TKT online. They have some material. Hugs
11 Jan 2010
I just found out that the correct term in English is English for Specific Purpose (ESP). Does anyone know a website with academic articles about education.
thanks again!!! |
13 Jan 2010