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How many languages?
I speak English and Spanish, that �s all I �m afraid. I recognise French and could get by in France and Italy with my limited knowledge. |
16 Jan 2010
manonski (f)
Just 2: French (my first language) and English.
Studied a bit of Spansh and German at school but would not get by because it was over 20 years ago and where I live, it �s really hard to get opportunities to practice languages beside French and English. |
16 Jan 2010
I studied Italian and Romanian when I was a university student and later on when I was already a teacher, I completed a course in German (I even got a certificate at an intermediate level) but that was looong ago and like Manon I �ve hardly ever used any of them since then. However, I enjoyed studying them and I hope I �ll have the opportunity in the future to refresh and practise them. |
16 Jan 2010
I speak English and Russian fluently. I speak Spanish and German less fluently. I studied many other languages, but I can �t get pass the beginning level because, first, I can �t get enough practice with them and, second, don �t have too much spare time.
Cheers to everyone from the enchanted land of New Mexico!
16 Jan 2010
Hi! I can speak Italian, English and Spanish.
In secondary school I studied latin too, but I�m afraid I don�t remember it ...
I can read and understand French, If I have more free time, I would like to study it properly!
16 Jan 2010
I speak English, French and Italian. I was born in Italy and learned Italian there. When I was a child my parents immigrated to Canada and I learned English. Later, I moved to Quebec, which is a French speaking province in Canada and learned French here. |
16 Jan 2010
Beside Latvian, which is my mother tongue, I speak Russian, English and German fluently, I understand and try to speak Polish. I am in love with Italian language I am learning now and my dream is to learn French.
16 Jan 2010
Wow! We have a multilingual community!
I speak Portuguese (my mother language), English, Spanish (I was born on the border of Brazil and Uruguay and studied English in Uruguay), German (I lived in Germany for 5 years) and now some Korean (I presently live in Seoul). |
16 Jan 2010
Hi there! Very interesting topic. I am not an English Teacher, but a class teacher in a Primary school. (I teach English 2 times -40 minutes each- the week). I just speak my mother tongue (Greek) and English. There is no need for me to learn another language here in Cyprus... and the Greek language is so rich and difficult that we consecutively learn and learn...
16 Jan 2010
marta v
Wow! I �m so happy that we have so many multilinguals here! Great to hear from you all and thanks for letting us know!
16 Jan 2010
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