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Concerning worksheets > Rules for worksheets - new here, please help
Rules for worksheets - new here, please help
Rules for worksheets - new here, please help
Hi fellow teachers,
I �m new here. Wondering if anyone can help me with my question: can I use an online worksheet generator (eg. a wordsearch or crossword generator) to make a worksheet to upload as a contribution? They �re online programs to help make worksheets, but they are not pre-made worksheets that you would download as a whole. Will that violate the rule against having worksheets taken from other sites?
Thanks for your help!
20 Jan 2010
I �ve seen people do it loads of times, i can �t see why it �d be against the rules, but I don �t know for sure.
Usually those crossword generators don �t include pictures and are pretty dull.. I think if you want people to download it you should add a few pictures and make it nice looking :)
There �s one site.. I forget the URL... that lets you generate cool dice, i don �t think it �s fair to use theirs since the picture and the layout and everything is all made by them. .. . and you just choose the combination.
Going to bed.. night night all!
20 Jan 2010
hi, I know that you can use Hot Potatoes to create crosswords, but for example you can �t use the website mes-english to create games/worksheets... because the images have a copyright (even though you can create the games by just typing the words you need)... so I guess it depends on whether or nor there are images... what you can do is give a precise website you �d like to work with, and then we could tell you if it �s allowed or not! you can send me a private message if you need help!! Elodie
20 Jan 2010
Most websites have a terms of use section. Read through those and see if they allow use of their materials on another website.
In general, if you would like to use something from a website, contact that website for permission.
21 Jan 2010
I use Hot potatoes, it makes wonderful crosswords, gap-fillings and games. If you want to try, download it here:
Most of the sites (crossword makers) make games difficult to paste and reduce the size to be uploaded here, and some have copyright licenses against their use on other sites.
Have a nice day / evening.
21 Jan 2010