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Thank you
Thank you
I�d just like to say thank you to all the people who left a message on my worksheet. You are very kind. I know I should space my uploading a bit but since I need to make the activities for class I just upload them here too.
Right now, I am trying to improve my students� writing abilities - something the poor things are not very good at doing... Hopefully, with these worksheets I�m uploading, they will soon start to catch on a bit faster on how to do it.
14 Nov 2008
Hi ZOra....thanks for thanking jajjaja... I have missed your fantastic worksheets and I have needed them a lot. I�ve also downloaded the previous one...they are excellent just as they are!!! I�ll use them for sure with my 4th grade students...
14 Nov 2008
You make me blush Mishuna...
Thanks for the encouragement to put up more, too bad these things always depend on one�s creative juices...and until now, I�ve not been feeling all that creative. Must be the winter weather... *sighs*
14 Nov 2008