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Wanted listening material!

Wanted listening material!
Dear all,
Some time ago, I asked for listening materials about school!
You helped me and gave me very useful address but I still have not found a recording, a video,... about a day at school. I need pupils talking about their school, or pupils talking about their timetable or their subjects. It is really urgent and I can �t find anything except in the school books!
Thank you for your help!
Have a nice weekend
30 Jan 2010

hello Fabienne!
I have some videos but they are not in HQ.
If you wish to have them, just send me your email and I will send what I have to you...
Ana |
30 Jan 2010

Sorry, I don �t have what you need. What I used for this topic was that segment of Mr Bean when he takes the exam (available on you tube), because it totally makes them laugh, open up, relax and talk about having tests at school and everyday life at school. And since Mr Bean has practically no language spoekn during the show, you can really comment with them all the time and then have them retell the story... |
30 Jan 2010

Hi Linda, your site is great but it �s not what Fabienne is looking for i �m afraid: in France we tend to prefer authentic listening comprehension, that �s why she said she wanted something different from text book recordings... but your site is truly great if we want to make our pupils listen to lists of words, so thanks!!! by the way Fabienne, i �ve looked but i �ve found nothing so far... have you considered recording the soundtrack of a film? it �s very easy with audacity (free software). I think it would be easier to find a video than to find a recording... let me know by PM if you want help with audacity!!! good luck, i know it �s very difficult to find authentic oral documents, especially if you teach in middle school... Elodie
30 Jan 2010

How about you write a little script of what you want your students to hear and ask some advanced students from your school/native speakers/members of this site to record on the computer?
I filmed some of my colleagues- English teachers and some students (native speakers) introducing themselves. I gave them few ideas in advance on what to talk about, so that my 6-8 year old students could understand them. My students were thrilled to see the teachers they knew on the computer talking about their favourite colours, animlas, etc. That gave my students an idea how they could to introduce themselves.
Hope this is of help.
Good luck :) |
30 Jan 2010