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A perfect English classroom

I would like to have only 10-12 students and an assistant so that I could divide them in groups and do different activities at the same time, according to their interests.
I would like to have an English classroom where students enjoy every moment.
I would like to have only very good students... 
1 Feb 2010

Olindalima ( F )
Manon What �s that ? You have an assistant!!!!! So, you don �t work???!!!!! Lucky girl!!!!!!
Big kiss Linda
2 Feb 2010

manonski (f)
To make a long story short, the Canadian government has money to support the learning of the two official languages in the country. There is a program that offers university students the opportunity to work 9 months in a province that offers French or English as a second language. These assistants are there to propose activities that will expose students to the Canadian culture of the second language they are learning. So every year I apply and I get a new assistant for 9 months out of the 10 school months.
My assistant this year is really great. So most of the time, there are 2 adults in my class which is a real good thing. |
2 Feb 2010

Olindalima ( F )
Manon, my dear, have you heard about ENVY? Don �t tell me you have some ten students in class, for TWO teachers, because I, poor teacher, have about 30. ( I can �t write 30 in capital letters, funny, have you ever noticed that numbers don �t have capitals? ) I need capital numbers. I want to CRY , LOUD that I have no assistant and I have 30 ( imagine they are capital numbers ) students. That �s not fair, it �s an injustice. Going to sleep now, I am sure I �will have some very bad nightmares.
 big kiss, lucky girl  Linda
2 Feb 2010

manonski (f)
It �s ok if you �re envious. I totally appreciate what I have: an assistant, an interactive white board, my own English classroom, internet connections and my biggest group has 26 students and it �s also my best group.
I love my school and the people I work with and I �ve been working there for almost 20 years. It �s like a second home. |
2 Feb 2010

I teach adults and my company gives me almost everythiing I want. My class sizes are currently 2-8 students; I have a beamer connected to a computer with internet access; I have two white boards and a flipchart; I can print/copy as much as I like (even in color) and my students are all there voluntarily.
I almost have my dream classroom. The things I would add to it are: more wall space (can never have enough), a larger room with more/larger white boards, and an audio (listening) lab. I don �t yet know that an interactive white board would be part of my dream classroom--I �m not sure how much better it would be than a white board ( I love writing on the white board).
Douglas |
2 Feb 2010

sea camel
I �ve just dropped by to see whether there is more news... Thanks for all your reactions. And Manonski, I really didn �t realize that it was possible to have an assistant... It �s such a good idea I thought it was impossible! True, Douglas, more wall space... At the moment I almost have none. A policy I �m keen to change at school... But who am I? I can always try, I think.
Kristien |
2 Feb 2010
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