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Concerning worksheets > Pretty Worksheets!!!
Pretty Worksheets!!!
Pretty Worksheets!!!
I have a question...How come all of you can upload worksheets with beautiful backgrounds and pictures to share, but when I try to make a worksheet using clip art, or frames or any kind of graphics; I end up with a huge KB file which I can �t up load? How do you do it? Your contributions are so beautiful, I �d like to give you something pretty just like you �ve given me. Thanks! Love this community!
7 Feb 2010
There is a programme very easy to use and free to download. It allows you to resize a single picture or all the pictures in a file. The name of the programme is resizemyphotos. You can download it from softonic.
I hope you find it useful.
7 Feb 2010
I find it easiest to do it the way one of the other members (Zailda) taught me.
First you copy paste the image and resize it to the size you want, then cut it using control x.
Then you go to edit and select special paste and choose an image file (jpeg, gif, or png). When you do this it makes your document mcuh smaller.
Hope it helps and have a nice day.
Julia |
7 Feb 2010
THANKS!!! This all sounds so useful, I �ll be sure to give them all a try. Thanks so much again. |
7 Feb 2010