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Concerning worksheets > Wss for true beginners
Wss for true beginners
Yulia Mo
Wss for true beginners
Hello my dear colleagues. I once saw a post by some teacher asking for the same i want to ask you today. I think it �s quite useful for everyone to share this kind of thing. I want to find wss for true beginners - adults (well, at least no toy vocabulary))) Could you share with me what authors you like who have either grammar or vocabulary for the very-very beginning. I �ve been using search, but it doesn �t always show the whole amount of options and some authors might not be found so easily. So could you share their names with me please? Thanks in advance, Yulia
9 Feb 2010
I work with a group of adults too. Some of them are absolute beginners. I searched here on the webpage what I wanted to teach them and used some of other teachers � ideas to create new wss. My students love them, even if they have lots of pictures...
But please, if you manage to find out who has some wss for beginners (adults), please please let me know too! Thanks!
Polona |
9 Feb 2010
I will appreciate to know as well! thanks |
9 Feb 2010
These are the kind and level of materials we use for beginners (pre-entry) adult students in the UK. Have a look.
9 Feb 2010