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Games, activities and teaching ideas > Suggestions – Funny activities/games needed !!!
Suggestions – Funny activities/games needed !!!
Suggestions – Funny activities/games needed !!!
Hi dear teachers from all over the world!
I’m preparing along with other teachers a special week for our primary students here in my hometown in Portugal and any suggestions will be welcome.
We will have a sort of workshop where we are supposed to do funny activities where children can play and learn/apply their English.
We already thought having a music where they could do some movements/actions like the Hokey Pokey but as our community has so many people with bright ideas I’m sure somebody will have delightful ideas to share!!
Thanks in advance!
Hugs from Portugal,
Maggy |
19 Feb 2010
So many things have changed in ESLPrintables but there is something that never changes hopefully – the kindness and ready to help teachers that are always ready to help and share!!
Thanks for being such great teachers and human beings!!
Maggy |
20 Feb 2010
Hello maggy!
I found it very helpful! There are endless things you can do with your students, the hard thing is to choose them!
Good luck!
Patrícia |
20 Feb 2010