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Message board > Please read the new rules!
Please read the new rules!
Please read the new rules!
Hi everyone,
As I understand, each and every one of us was faced with the new site rules on entering the site for the first time after the rules were set. To ...get rid of this sight, we were supposed to read the rules and click the button confirming we have read them and accepted them. Still, whenever I briefly have a look at the forum, all I seem to read nowadays is complaints - and sometimes bitter ones by that matter - by members who have obviously NOT taken the trouble to as much as look at the rules. Maybe der friends you didn �t have the time to read all this - but then how come you found the time to summon the necessary attitude, write out your complaints and post them?
I may sound harsh, but this is exactly the way I feel about this - ignoring how the site works and yet complaining about this and that is IMHO both disrespectful and annoying. People have spent time - hours perhaps, poring over ways of making this site more helpful for everyone!
The least we can do is take the trouble to read what they have proposed!
And then we all have a choice to either accept and be part of all this, or decline and take our business elsewhere. It �s as simple as that.
But please, let �[s stop being ungrateful if not downright rude!
Sorry about the tone but I have rather strong feelings about some things :( Thanks for listening to me anyway. Have a nice w/e everyone!
20 Feb 2010
well said!!! your tone is not rude, you �re telling the truth!
20 Feb 2010
I couldn �t have said it better dear pollyanna! Are we never happy?!
mena |
20 Feb 2010
I couldn �t agree more! We have all the reasons to be happy and satisfied! Life is a big game, but there are rules to keep to, like it or not.
Happy weekend! |
20 Feb 2010
class centre
I just want to share a special feeling I have today about our site. It looks like we have begun a new life here, refreshed and more reasonable, fair and friendly. Have we? So many tutorials and templates...Thank you Victor! Thank you dear friends. Have a nice weekend. Natasha
20 Feb 2010
Well said!
20 Feb 2010
Thank you for your wise words. I couldn �t have said it better.
Have a nice weekend.
20 Feb 2010
I �ve been gone for a while....and just logged many things have changed!
longtime members leaving....rules got an overhaul...etc etc
well...I think it �s all for the best
good job victor |
20 Feb 2010
You are absolutely right!! The problem was and is and will always be the same...people skip the �rules � don �t read them and then complain because they can �t download, or because of the toolbar, etc etc etc.... We were all new one day and read the rules why can �t people understand that? We �ll never know I guess. The site is great! and improving! even the new rules and system is being tested and some things like the �freezing of worksheets � has been improved with the best intentions to avoid people feeling bad about it.
20 Feb 2010
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