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Games, activities and teaching ideas > Go fish
Go fish
Go fish
Hiya, I am trying to make my own set of `Go fish` cards, but I have no idea how many of each card there should be! Does anyone know? Or is it just personal preference?!
I know there has to be at least two of each, but should there be more? I just want to play the traditional version where players try to get rid of their hand.
Thanks in advance! Laura
p.s. if anyone has any other great ideas for games using go fish style cards let me know!!
23 Feb 2010
Homeless Turtle
I found this on the Wikipedia website, you can check out the rest of the page here:
"When one player has four of the same cards of a given rank, they form a book, and the cards are placed face up on the table. Four cards is always a match, never two."
So I think you should have four of each. Hope this helps! |
23 Feb 2010
Thanks very much.
I think I am going to split the difference and have a set of three! I just don`t have time to make any more than that! My thumb is killing me from all of the cutting out!
23 Feb 2010
David Lisgo
Hi Laura,
I use four cards to a set but allow the children to put down when they have 3. The fourth card can now be put down anytime and counts as a point for the owner. The game goes quicker this way. Traditional Go Fish! is just too slow for most classroom situations, so be careful to keep the number of players to a group to 6 or below otherwise you may get bored and troublesome students.
David |
23 Feb 2010