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Ask for help > Sorry to ask it here, but "arabic ws/sites for kids"?
Sorry to ask it here, but "arabic ws/sites for kids"?
Sorry to ask it here, but "arabic ws/sites for kids"?
I know that this is normally not the place to ask this question, but I thought since we have many arabic native speakers on this site as well, I might give it a try and hope you will forgive me :)
My sister is teaching arabic to little children and got very interested in my English worksheets that I use for teaching English to children from ESL Printables. She asked me if it is possible to get something like that for arabic as well. Basically what she is looking for is how to teach arabic for little children aged kindergarden and primary school I guess. If you know of any sites or you have any worksheets, it would be more than helpful. Please send me a PM if you have any ideas. Jazakumullahu
Thank you very much in advance :) Hugs, Sara |
23 Feb 2010
i think these are useful for your sister
23 Feb 2010
Yulia Mo
Thanks a lot, Izolda. I �m just planning to start arabic with my son, so it �s be useful. I also know that YouTube has a lot of nice cartoons on arabic alphabet and numbers.
23 Feb 2010