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Grammar and Linguistics > I feel uneasy, but I need to ask you
I feel uneasy, but I need to ask you
I feel uneasy, but I need to ask you
Dear Friends, especially native speakers Do you consider the word "bastard" a swear word? I had a student come up to me saying that he saw some movie where the father told his son something like "you, lazy bastard". I did not know what to say
Please help me resolve my confusion...
24 Feb 2010
teacher jessie
I �m not a native but I �ve heard it in movies and TV as a swear word.
24 Feb 2010
The expression - you lazy bastard - means - that he doesn �t do anything useful - it is an expression and doesn �t actually relate to the real meaning of bastard which means a person born out-of-wedlock.
I explain "bad" words to my pupils - then I tell them that they aren �t considerd acceptable language and that they have to be very careful who they use them with.
I hope this helps.
Barbara ( native speaker) |
24 Feb 2010
I agree with Barb.
And "bastard" is a very strong swear word, if used on it �s own.
24 Feb 2010
I totally agree with Barb and Zora
It is a trash-can swear word. I hope all the teachers here are working hard to give their students a good language. Unfortunately - we �re up against all the B-films they show on television where they use gutter language and kids hear it and think it �s ok to use it. If you called someone that in the States - you �d be in a lot of trouble.
24 Feb 2010
I�m with the others.
It�s totally unacceptable for our students to use this language nethertheless it is essential that they do understand it and also understand why it is unacceptable.
There is a lot of unacceptable language used in movies and often students use it not knowing the why�s and wherefore�s. I cringe whenever I near NNS using this language in the wrong context.
24 Feb 2010
I used to try to explain to my students why bad language wasn �t acceptable with little success. Now I have a simple technique when they want to use swear words. I use a common swear word in Spanish and ask them if it sounds ridiculous coming from a non-native speaker. They all laugh and say yes. I tell them that �s what they sound like if they swear in English. They never swear again!
25 Feb 2010