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Message board > Killing two birds with one stone: Mistake in ws + Not saying "Thanks"
Killing two birds with one stone: Mistake in ws + Not saying "Thanks"
Killing two birds with one stone: Mistake in ws + Not saying "Thanks"
Dear colleagues,
(Bird One!)Today 2 of my wss have been published here. I �ve noticed that on the first one (The Un/Fortunately-Story. Part 1) -and more exactly on the instruction page- I �ve omitted a paragraph which, though not being essential for the development of the activity, it can avoid some confusion in the procedure.
As ONLY ONE out of 30 people who have downloaded the set (Part 1 and 2) has stopped for a second to say "THANKS", I have only been able to send her (cacucacu) a personal message with the correction.
(By the way: THANKS cacucacu once more!!!)
The other "gentle" colleagues will have to either click on the sheets again and read the correction on the preview or realize by themselves what the "mistake" could be.
I insist: it �s not a serious omission, but this is a further example (and here arrives Bird Two!) which illustrates once more the discussion that Regina started one or two days ago about people downloading other people �s work and not saying even a simple "Thanks".
"Gentle" ones: Is it so hard to stop for a sec just to say "Thank you"?
Do you really care so little about other people �s effort here? And even about your work? Because I refuse to think that you give a damn about whether the others stop or not to say "thanks" after having downloading your work....
Anyway... Long live "Good Manners"!!!
Take care!!
25 Feb 2010
I really hate to tell you this Julia... but this topic has been discussed at least 100 times on this forum and we can scream, yell or cry. It makes no difference. People who read the forum often leave comments, but many don �t and just grab what they need and they are out of thank you, nada...
All you can do is take solace in the fact that your work is being downloaded - a good sign that people like it - and treasure the comments and feedback that you do receive. Aside from that, there isn �t much you can do. You can �t force people to say "thank you". That has to come from within and obviously not too many are worried about it or they themselves would be complaining about not receiving a "thanks".
25 Feb 2010
Lina Ladybird
I so agree with you Julia!!
I �m not proud of my work although it has given me some points to survive in this website. But one day I had uploaded a worksheet that got downloaded 16 times, but none of the downloaders bothered to say thanks. I �m aware of the fact that the worksheet in question is not a masterpiece and I know that I didn �t get very many downloads but at least some users liked it obviously!!
So I was indeed a little bit disappointed that nobody had approved my efforts! I don �t like to admit it, but I did feel a bit ignored just because I �m not one of the greatest contributors in this website. They always get lots of gratitude and praise because they �re famous somehow.
But I also did my best, so at least those people who thought my work was worth downloading could have said thank you!
But never mind, Julia, I think we have to live with it...
25 Feb 2010
Julia, I understand how you �re feeling, but as Zora and topolina say we �ll just have to leave with it. Good night
25 Feb 2010
It is a pitty people just don �t say Thank You! Because it encourages people, makes them feel rewarded in a way. To leave a thank you, shows respect as well. But ... I �ve also seen that some people don �t leave thank yous because they are invisible members! Who might also one day upload your worksheet as their own, copy your ideas! And leave no trace!
25 Feb 2010
Yeap!! I guess this topic has been discussed "ad nauseam", but being new here I really felt the need to put my thoughts into words! And that will be all on this topic from now on!
Topolina2004...cheer up!! (Dai su!!) Here all of us are great contributors, no matter the points!!
Thanks to all of you, anyway, for your support!
Hugs and maybe see you in the Teacher �s Cafe!
Julia |
25 Feb 2010
Hi Julia,
I had the exact same experience with me Boudicca worksheet. The ones who left a note could be notified, the others couldn �t: bad luck.
25 Feb 2010
Dear all,
Look on the bright side, if there is a download it means useful. Don �t get upset, angry disappointed. I am sure they do appreciate your works.
Euphe |
25 Feb 2010
You can of course update your worksheet and correct or add so that people who download it in the future will have no problems..... |
25 Feb 2010
Hello everyone,
First of all I want to thank one more time every teacher here in ESL for sharing their work and precious time, and I agree with what you�re saying. I try my hardest to leave a comment when I download a WS because I know it takes time to make it and upload it in here, anyway. But, I cannot deny sometimes I�m in a hurry and cannot leave a comment, eventhough I try to send a belated thank note , but cannot say I have left a comment to every single WS I ever downloaded (sorry for that... I �ll try my best from now on )
Anyway, I just think you shouldn�t be discouraged or disappointed about people not leaving a note, because they have taken some time to check among all the new contributions of the day (which can be up to 300 or even a lot more) and have chosen YOUR WS because they thought it was a good work or useful for them, so you haven�t been ignored at all. (I�m not trying to justify anyone just in case)
Thanks again one more time to all the ESL Printables family, not only for sharing your work but also for being always ready to help us answering our questions.
Hugs from Peru,
Raquel. |
25 Feb 2010