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About the incredible people in this site.
About the incredible people in this site.
Several days ago I asked for help here, in the forum. I was trying to find information about two books my students are using. Several people wrote to me giving advice on how to get them but there was a woman who made something incredibly amazing for me.
She wrote several times to me trying to help me. In the end, she sent me to my ordinary mail, that is, to my very home, not to my e-mail several documents and things about what I was asking about.
The thing is that this morning, while I was having breakfast, the postman came and gave me a package which contained several photocopies made by herself with her own money and time (you understand me) and a CD which she took the time to record for me.
I know it is not a very good thing to speak about photocopies taken from books and so on, but the thing is that she doesn�t know me at all, she did not have to do it, but she did. I did not even have to pay for the stamp or the sending.
This person is Yolanda22 and I want to thank her here for what she did for me. |
27 Feb 2010
Our World is Full of Good
People People who care
always come to help us in our time of need
They show care in their eyes
The love follows through their actions
Never discredit the people on this
Because many have hearts of gold
They are willing to bring you a rainbow
After every storm
By Stacey Chillemi |
27 Feb 2010
True Vardaki. I already knew this site was great. That�s why I�m here . But there are many different ways to help, and this particular one, what Yolanda22 has made is just ............ I can�t find words to explain how I felt this morning.
She had already done a lot by answering my post and giving me advice, she did not have to spend her own money and more time to do that.
As I said to her, there are lots of good and kind people doing lots of good actions every day, but much more advertising is done to the "bad" ones. |
27 Feb 2010
Thanks for posting this mjpa - I much prefer reading stories about good things people do than bad things.
Thanks to yolanda22 for giving me something nice to read about!
27 Feb 2010
It is really heart warming to hear that there are still real humans... Thanks for sharing |
27 Feb 2010
It is to Yolanda whom we must congratulate and give thanks to, not me. |
27 Feb 2010
I checked out Yolanda22 �s printables and found one that reminded me of one of today �s contributions. As it turns out, Yolanda 22 had one of her worksheets from 2008 stolen and re-uploaded, exacly as it was.
Well, double shame on the person whom I just reported!
27 Feb 2010
Wow! This is such good news! What a genuine, generous person!
27 Feb 2010
To both Yolanda, becuse of her generosity, and Mjpa, because she knows how to say thanks,
Thanks for the good news...
27 Feb 2010
Both of you deserve appreciation. Keep up this good spirit.
27 Feb 2010
I feel soooo lucky to be a part of such wonderful comunity. And I just want to share this picture with all of you which sums up all the caring and willingness to help others we don �t. personally know. We are in for the joy of making a difference and nothing more.
PD keep up the good work! |
27 Feb 2010
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