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Make suggestions, report errors > transfering points to other acounts (thanks for showing me i made a mistake)
transfering points to other acounts (thanks for showing me i made a mistake)
I �m with katiana, Mena, Zoe, Regina and those sharing their opinion. I think people should contribute their own work and get points like the rest of us. True, Also i have downloaded a worksheet from a collegue to encourage and give her a point, but she has to make the effort to upload something. I �ll download every sheet she uploads even if it is not useful to me or she gave me a copy of it before. (basically that means that theoretically, she is promised to get to 30 points if only she sticks with it).
These collegues, they do prepare their classes and prepare lesson plans, don�t they? I am sure they now and then come up against something they feel their students should practice more..what do they do in such a case? They just let it be and hope that by chance someone else cares enough to write them an exercise? OK, so a less than perfect sheet might get them only a few points but in time they�ll get to the 30 points... I had to upload several sheets before I got to 30 points, I was a computer disaster, my sheets were not the most beautiful (they still are mainly black and white) but in the end I got there... |
9 Mar 2010
I understand the fact that you want to help your colleagues, and that you �re not willing to give them your password. but uploading for them and then downloading your own work so that they get points is quite ridiculous... this is a sharing website, to download we have to upload, that �s the rule... your colleages would benefit from your help in a more productive way if you helped them create nice ws... i �ve found many unseful ws here, i showed them to my colleagues, i even gave a couple of photocopies, always mentioning that those ws were available here and that they could find many more if they were just willing to share their work in exchange! we �re all able to create a ws and if they �re not willing to share their work, they shouldn �t be able to download our work... if they need help, they can ask, we �re here, just remember that sharing is why this website is so great! imagine if we all did what you did! take care! Elodie
9 Mar 2010
Thanks for all your replies and after reading them i agree with you guys they should just upload their own worksheets so in that spirit i have logged in to that account and downloaded a 100 worksheets to balance everything out again the worksheet had some hits from others they can keep those points and if they want more points they should start uploading themselves (which one of them started doing immediately last night after seeing how good the site was). i didn �t think of it this way before i started doing this so i hope everybody is happy to hear the points are back in my own account. I apologize if i have upset some people but everything is now back the way it was and I �m now gonna spend some time uploading some of my own work again. I guess points are not there to spend but more to see the appreciation you get for your worksheets.
10 Mar 2010
HI Rudiwals Just in case you got a kind of spirit of collaboration still in your mind. I will tell you honestly that I admire your sharing attitude and I�m looking forward to receiving some of your points. Because I still need some more points so as to be able to download some ws from this site that I need for my ss. I wouldn�t mind your downloading my ws so as to help me with the points that you want to donate, I think you had an excellent and great idea. and there should be more members like you. Pls all my ws are waiting for long to be downloaded and you�re gonna be the great and good saver for those who scarcely have a few points. Thanks again and hope your poins ASAP. You had a fantastic idea, and be sure I will use your points appropiately. thanks in advance.
26 May 2010
I don �t think the idea is too bad. I don �t really see anything wrong with being able to transfer points (which you have earned) to another person. As Rudiwals suggested, it �s better than having someone upload a "junk" worksheet that gets a lot of downloads just because you want to donate points to that person. It seems this would save some space too (less unnecessary "junk" worksheets).
There could be a few possibilites for cheating, I haven �t really thought it through that far. but my first impression is that it isn �t a bad idea.
And thanks to Rudiwals for bringing this up on the forum and not just abusing the system.
Just my two cents...
Douglas |
27 May 2010
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