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Concerning worksheets > Document Size
Document Size
Document Size
Hi All,
I have made a few simple worksheets and put in a few cut and paste photos. I then compress the photos. But, my saved document is still 1000 kb instead of the required under 300 kb!
I have seen more elaborate worksheets, so I don �t know why mine are over 300.
Can someone please recommend how to make them smaller?
TJ |
10 Mar 2010
hi, first of all, welcome!
then, let �s talk business! are you creating your document on word 2007? because some wordarts, when converted in word 2003, are very heavy, so check that! what kind of images did you put? I used to find pictures on the internet and then i realized some were too heavy! check they are in .jpeg, and compress them - if you already did it, never mind!
have a look at the tutorial section, there are some great tutorials, totally free of charge, and you will find many tips there to help you!!! - edit: Zailda is right, as usual!
take care! Elodie
10 Mar 2010
try to scan the document with a low resolution and then paste the picture into a word file, or use fotos from the web.
I had a similar problem witha worksheet, it was enormous due to a little picture I had pasted in a corner... sometimes a little thing is very heavy...
hope it can be useful, bye
Laura |
10 Mar 2010
Hello See if this helps it�s easy and very practical.
Resize digital pictures quicklyPublished: June 20, 2005 Half the fun of taking pictures is sharing them with family and friends. While
it �s great that newer digital cameras can take beautiful 5-, 6-, or
7-megapixel pictures, e-mailing such large photo files can clog up your
recipient �s Inbox. Resizing pictures before you e-mail them�or even
before you burn them to a CD�is made simpler using a free Windows XP
download called the Image Resizer, which is one of the many handy tools that make up the Microsoft PowerToys for Windows XP. You
can also use the Image Resizer to resize photos so they �ll fit on a
compatible cell phone, personal digital assistant (PDA), or Portable
Media Center so you can enjoy your photos while on the go. Using the
Image Resizer is easy, and it will preserve your original photos for
other uses you may have in the future.
Good Luck
10 Mar 2010
Pinky Makus
I was just wondering...
Are you using pictures from the Internet? Try using the Save Image As option instead of copying the images you like (instead of Copy and Paste). The images will be much smaller.
10 Mar 2010
Hi! It happens the same with me;( I have so many interesting powerpoints and worksheets that are too big. I tried many things, still I can �t get the required 300kb. I wish ESL would enlarge the size. Hope never dies;)* |
10 Mar 2010