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M.A thesis
M.A thesis
Dear All,
I am doin my MA and I have to decide on a topic which is too difficult for me because nearly all topics has already been studied. I feel exhausted.i (My affective filter is high and I cannot think imaginative enough :) ) then, I remembered this page and a hope appeared in me... I would like to use cartoons. yet I cannot decide on what to teach by using cartoons. ıt would be better to use cartoons to teach integrated skills, yet it would be too difficult to complete in due time. As far as I see, there are really highly creative and imaginative teachers here. Could you please help me by sharing your valuable opinions. they can be on any other topics apart from cartoons, as well .
Thanks for your understanding and valuable time....
15 Mar 2010
hey dear, How u doin? as I see, you havent decided on what u gonna do, I mean type of your thesis! you are asking us to decide on very huge subject field. at first talk about your field. Is your MA about teaching young children OR phonetic OR neural linguastic OR what? pls at first specfy your huge subject field then ask for any help we can do ;P
best wishes...
15 Mar 2010
You are right. I am teaching young learners and finding a topic related to them would be better, of course since I will have the chace of application.
I will be waiting for you contributions....
15 Mar 2010