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Teaching material > grammar book with explanations in spanish
grammar book with explanations in spanish
grammar book with explanations in spanish
Hi, everyone. I have some photocopies which I made from a book some years ago but I can �t find the name of the book. It is a book with explanations in Spanish, it �s quite good. I would like to look for it again (I think I took it from the library), but I need the title (of course...). I will tell you something about it: I have photocopies of section 7 (secci�n 7 the past continuous) and section 13 (secci�n 13 adjectives and adverbs). Do you have any idea of the name? I could scan one or two pages (if it �s possible) to show them to you.
Thanks in advance,
Paola |
15 Mar 2010
Je suis papillon
The name of the book is "Essential Grammar in Use. Edici�n en espa�ol." (Cambridge University Press). I have it and it is very useful. Try to find the ones which are completely in English, they have the same name and they�re graded (elementary, pre-intermediate, etc). I love them!!!
16 Mar 2010
That �s the book I pm-ed you about! I remember the name now! We have it in our staffroom.
16 Mar 2010