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Website for grade 9 students (7 years of English)
Website for grade 9 students (7 years of English)
I need your help on an interesting website for my grade 9 students. I was thinking of one that could entertain them and be educational at the same time. I will be off - gone on a short holiday -and a substitute teacher will take them to the computer lab.
Thanks for any suggestion you might come up with.
PS. I checked the link site here and didn �t really find anything. maybe I overlooked a good site.
Greetings to all you amazing friends,
Gitte |
16 Mar 2010
Hi Gitte,
Here are some suggestions. One way of keeping the students busy is letting them read online teen magazines. Here are two popular mags - and There is stuff for all kinds of teens + English! You may ask them to write a summary of what they read /saw /learned /discovered on the site.
If reading is not what they would like to do then let them try making graffiti - They may create their own name or sth and save it to show you later.
One more tool for those who like to draw - Great fun but no English :(
Oh, another idea. This is a great Canadian website where you can watch animated films. Ask the students to describe one of the films of their choice.
Nothing brighter comes to my mind.
16 Mar 2010
i hope that would be helpful:
here are some games, exercises, puzzles, that �s what i remember first,
you may be already aware |
16 Mar 2010