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Ask for help > Short follow up reading activities- help please!
Short follow up reading activities- help please!
Short follow up reading activities- help please!
Hello dear teachers, In our school we �re going to have Book Day soon. During one of the activities planned teachers will be swapping classes and reading stories for 20 minutes for other classes. I will have to read for three classes of 10-12 year old students, about pre-intermediate level. I don �t think reading for the entire 20 minutes is a good idea, so I chose a story that will take about 5-7 minutes to read. The rest of the time (13-15 minutes) should involve some short and fun oral activities related to the story, reading in general, language, books, etc. Somehow I feel like I �m a bit stuck with the ideas and would really-really appreciate some help! What kind of activities could I do?
Thank you! |
18 Mar 2010
Check the following link. Perhaps you �ll find some ideas there.
18 Mar 2010
Maja O.
Hi Izulia,
I have a very similar project in my own language but in a kindergarten. I work in a Primary school and my students who are 12 go to the ginderkarten once a month and we read a book for children aged 4-5. We usually read a book, play some games ( children of that age need to move a lot� ) and than we do some art activities like painting or making other drawings etc that are connected with the story. It works really nice. Good luck. |
18 Mar 2010