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Bruna I apologize if I made u sound like the "bad girl", I am gonna erase my comment...
And if I did not want to share my simple and plain layout in the past, that is not something I will feel bad for... lots of people did not want to and now they are sharing, I have not shared any layout until now cuz my creativity is not as good as you �ve already seen.
You have showed lots of times how much you care about this site, I totally agree and have been on your side other times... and you also have a good memory and know when to type things abut others to defend yourself.
And if you saw comments made by me where I agreed for those wss to be removed you may be right cuz if I see a wss with a sentences like:
"Talk about Chirstmas..."
I will vote for the removal, but if I see a wss with a picture and with sentences like "Write sentences using the prepositions of place and use vocabulary about furniture too" I will vote for it to stay...
Sorry for having given my opinion, I won �t anymore in any thread of yours to avoid this kind of confussions. Have a good day
EDIT: I did not call you elitis Bruna, I called elitist to say those wss are almost useless.
EDIT2: I am not against you defending yourself, what I disliked is that you use others� faults, bad momemts or whatever to defend yourself instead of replying with valid arguments about the problem itself... that�s it |
20 Mar 2010
Bruna Dutra
@ Lindsay, I do not know just how long you �ve been around, but just so you (really) don �t get the wrong idea about my words, I would like to tell you I was one of those who fought for a template section, and a tutorial section, offering help to those who begin here (and want to improve their computer skills) so they don �t get thrown away by comments like "you stole XXX �s layout", and "This is not your idea, you took it from XXX", I don �t know if you were able to see this happening, but you can be sure we had quite a few of these going on very little time ago.
And, just so I don �t feel bad about my words being misunderstood (because I do care about what the friends I �ve made in here may think about my words), I �d say if it �s not allowed cliparts only (which can be a resource if you add more teaching stuff to it) I don �t understand supporting a sentence only, there �s nothing to be read into it more than this.
I hope you can understand me now.
20 Mar 2010
Bruna Dutra
@ Julieta, you cannot make a bad remark about someone else �s words and hope they do not defend themselves. I really didn �t get you.
I was talking exactly about the example you mentioned:
Write about an evening out with your friends (USE THE SIMPLE PAST): _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________
Now add a colorful ballon layout to the background.
I saw a ws like this amongst yesterday �s contrib, and that made me think. And that made me wanna ask other members what they thought. I did not expect to be called elitist. Specially coming from someone who has seem me fighting for acceptance of the new members, who cannot at the beginning make great worksheets like many we have here.
There �s nothing more. If you (again) thought that I was the �bad girl � for trying to show that I was not being elitist like you called me, and erasing your post were you said that, I (again) don �t know what to say.
Friday night in Brazil already, I �m off to an evening out with my family and friends, will make a composition about it afterwards!!!
Hope you have sense of humor!!!
See you around guys. If my question was out of place, for that I �m sorry. Have you all a nice weekend ahead of you!!!
Love, Bruna
20 Mar 2010
You �re right Bruna - I �ve only been here since November so i �m sure I �ve missed a lot! I just have a soft spot for the underdog! I have noticed a difference in the reporting page since the new rules came in and I do like that there are fewer disgreements on the forums now.
I think we all have things that annoy us - we are a collection of individuals so it �s natural that we disagree. i hope you don �t think that I was attacking you personally in any way. I think that a sentence, however little, is more than copying and pasting a picture. Plus, if you start removing the worksheets with very little, you open the door for discussion about exactly how many sentences count as a worksheet and that could get messy! It will lead to exclusions of more things.
Personally, I would rather remove worksheets by people who use templates without acknowledging the source - it drives me nuts! Unfortunately, there �s no rule against doing that so I will just have to glare disapprovingly at my computer and refuse to download the worksheet, however useful it may be!
Like I said - we all have our pet hates so we �ll have to stick to the rules and engage in what I hope is friendly discussion on the finer points.
Thank you so much for fighting for the tutorials and templates - I have found it incredibly useful and my students would thank you too if they knew how much my worksheets owed to you and the kind people who upload them.
Have a lovely day and I hope the persistant rain here doesn �t bother you!
20 Mar 2010
As I �ve said before, I think that if we run out of server space (again), the easiest way to free up space would be to delete all worksheets that have been downloaded fewer than 5 (or even 10) times without cutting the points authors have earned for them so far. That would get rid of 1000s of wss that this community doesn �t consider very useful and give an extra incentive to members to improve their wss.
I don�t think this would be elitist. It�s just a kind of quality control. As it is now, anyone can get away with uploading the most useless (and error-ridden) wss imaginable - wss I wouldn�t even dare using in a million years. This doesn�t really benefit the learning of English and isn�t that what we�re trying to do here?
20 Mar 2010
Actually, Philip, I agree with that idea. That would get rid of worksheets that have been there a long time without gaining points in a non-judgemental way - no one would have to report them or say anything about them.
20 Mar 2010
Good Point PhilipR I Agree!
20 Mar 2010
I agree with the concept of getting rid of "error-ridden" worksheets. I do however, have a problem with deleting worksheets that appeal to a very thin audience. Some of us teach very specific groups of learners and therefore worksheets uploaded may reflect the specific nature of the students needs and levels. Themes used in one school or country do not always transfer to another school or country. What I always marvel about is the same subject matter worksheets being uploaded day after day. How many friggin � sheets do we really need on one slim topic. There are sometimes 100 or more on a a single theme.
20 Mar 2010
I don �t think server space is an issue with Victor at present.
In a previous post members opposed deleting printables with between 1 and 5 points and stated their reasons why. Victor agreed with these members and changed it to 0 printables. He then incoprorated this into the new rules. There are still zillions of old printables with 0 points. If server space was an issue I think that Victor would have deleted these by now (but then maybe this new rule is not retrospective - which would be a real shame).
Personally, I look foward to when these are deleted as they are simply a waste of space and energy when we are searching.
20 Mar 2010
@Bruna, I have nothing more to say than: "I totally agree with you."
And (you won �t believe it) I also agree with Philip.
20 Mar 2010
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