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Techniques and methods in Language Teaching > I need some help, please!
I need some help, please!

I need some help, please!
Hello, Everybody!!!! I have a question. Can I use "Peer dictation" as the title for a ws? in this case, one student dictates to his/her mate and he/she corrects his/her mate �s dictation sheet. I have the idea based on the term "peer correction", which is a technique we use in the classroom. I have seen the word "peer" used in other contexts such as: peer helping, peer support, etc.. Thanks in advance for your help. |
20 Mar 2010

Yes, I think the term you �ve made is totally reasonable. :)
20 Mar 2010

I �ve used it before so I guess it �s correct ... that , or I �ve made a mistake ! |
20 Mar 2010

Peer dictation is may be a reasonable term ( although I dont think so as in my opinion dictation does not have a nature of only done by teahers traditonally as in the exaple of correction-peer correction) but aplication of peer dictation will be useless if u can not find a really suitable context. Here is your questin what will your aim be while your Ss dictating each other. This aim can be neither improving their speaking skill as they will do it mechanicaly nor it can be improving their listeninf as what they will be listening to will be full of mistakes most probably in pronaciation nor can it be improving they reading as dictater will read a loud and will not be able to understand what s/he is readin whe will just pronunce the sentences loudly.
To sum up I suggest u employ activities to be done by your Ss which requires real interaction in your course.
And use dictaion yourself for the aims I tried to list above which I claim it is not suitable in peer dictation.
21 Mar 2010

I disagree with volkan5353. Peer dictation can be useful and it will definitely improve students � speaking and listening skills. Students can �t choose not to participate or mumble (as they sometimes try to do) in this kind of activity, because of the peer pressure to speak clearly.
Will their pronunciation be impeccable? Probably not. Will they speak more loudly than usual? Probably, but I think it �s better to speak more loudly than too quietly. Will peer dictation replace sliced bread as the best invention ever? I doubt it. It won �t make students perfect, but it will definitely help to improve their speaking, pronunciation, listening, reading and spelling skills. That �s my point of view, but hey, I �m not perfect either (but neither is volkan5353, according to the bucket-load of errors in his reply...).
21 Mar 2010

Definitely agree with PhilipR !! And on top of everything he �s said, IT WORKS for improving pronunciation because of the pressure he talks about. As I said, I �ve done it before and you just have to walk around the sts while they �re at it to see how they try to do their best when pronouncing to get the best result in the group.
21 Mar 2010

Hi, I have found that some (mainly the weaker ones) desk mates tend to collude negatively in these exercises so what I have done is to swop partners, supposedly randomly but tried to get weaker ss paired with better ss (But not every time) And any controlled or even semi controlled speaking / reading / listening and answering exercises must help to improve the student�s English BTW have any of you tried shouting questions and answers? In groups (to get more ss involved at the same time) I have written and also had ss write their own questions (mainly for revision). One group shouts the question and another shouts the answer back. The further the groups are apart the better. You can also use it as a �game� where the rest of the class give points to the answering team for whatever criteria you decide on. Fun but can become raucous. |
21 Mar 2010

I usually work in twos but they are "changing pairs". They change every ten minutes or less. One of the members of the pair is always still. The other is the "moving one" (the "moving ones" move along a circle, or along a line, depending on your class arrangement) Nobody complains about his or her partner because they know they are going to get a different one. They compromise on helping each other because in the long run they are going to be partners of every other. They like this technique :)
21 Mar 2010

I also agree with PhilipR, peer dictation can be very useful. This discussion made me think that I should use it more with my students... |
21 Mar 2010