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teaching children in international schools

teaching children in international schools
I have a little problem, which is not really a problem but a great opportunity, but a small problem for me and I don �t really know how to name it lol. Anyways, i �ll try to explain the situation. I have done a workshop some time ago at a school and somebody saw me there and my way of teaching and was totally convinced of my method and way with the kids that they offered me a job in their school (teaching 3 to 9 year olds). This will be a totally new school where I first thought i would only do some english lessons like always, but now I got a call and the offer since we don �t have so many hours with the kids per week, to reorganize the school and teach normal subjects in English instead of French. Example maths or handwriting in English and not in their native language. And they want me to do that kind of lessons and don �t want to give it to somebody else. On one side it is a totally great opportunity and I would really love that! On the other hand it also scares me a bit since I �m not a teacher with diploma or anything and I would be free to teach the way I want, hence I would make my own curriculum (again big chance, on the other side much responsibility). I didnt take the offer yet and asked the headmaster for some time to think, so I would more than happy to have your thoughts on this, because I �m not sure at all about what to do; Maybe just a lack of self confidence, since the others seem to believe that I can do it without any trouble and from my heart I would really love it, but then the other side that I �m not a "professional" teacher even I have experience (but only in teaching English). What do you think? Help me to organize my mind :)
Many hugs from France Sara |
23 Mar 2010

Firstly, congratulations. Your workshop must have been very impressive to have led to such a fantastic offer!
Whether or not you take the job, of course, will be entirely your decision. Just ask yourself whether or not you think you can do the job. Good teachers don �t necessarily have a lot of qualifications so if you think you are capable of doing the job, I say go for it! It is always better to regret the things you do than the things you don �t do!
Good luck with making your decision but it sounds to me like you want to do so my vote is for taking the job!
23 Mar 2010

Olindalima ( F )
Hi Sara
When a train stops, it �s our duty to buy the ticket. If you don �t , you �ll regret it for years and years to come.
Remember Obama? YES; YOU CAN.
Tons of good luck, go ahead. kisses linda
23 Mar 2010

Sorry for the question, but is it allowed in your country for somebody to teach without a degree or diploma?
23 Mar 2010

As far as I understood you are supposed to teach using CLIL ( Content and Language Integrated Learning) approach- you can read about it in Internet. Anyway, I think that you should try and do your best. You have to know the curriculum of the other lessons- that �s obvious. You don �t have to speak English all the time ( if needed you can use their native language)They are small children so the material won �t be difficult. You will teach them numbers, counting- which can be connected with learning English: count how many cows are there in the garden: If one of them goes away how many cows will stay etc, you can connect it with reading stories and other interesting activities. I think that �s a very intersting offer. These are not diplomas which are the most important- remember it :)If I were you I would take it. Good luck. |
23 Mar 2010

Thanks you so much for your encouragement :) Yes I think you are right, you may never get such a chance again :). Vardaki, yes you can teach without diploma - but only in private schools :)
Hugs and kisses Sara |
23 Mar 2010

you have the chance now.don �t lose that one of us was born with experience.we acquire it day after not hesitate and take it easy and i am sure that u will succeed . aymen |
23 Mar 2010

i was in such a situation one i feel very happy bcz i have taken an essay and i succeeded |
23 Mar 2010